
David Sosa
3 min readAug 17, 2021

I’m not going to give this too much thought. Let’s just fucking start.

I got this idea of sharing what I’m learning. I read a bit, and I’m interested in a decent variety of topics. I’m not really an expert in any of the topics I read. I’m actually not an expert in anything. It was the acceptance of this ignorance that got me started on this journey of obsessively reading.

I’m an architect. I finished school on May, 2021, but, a year before that, I started taking notes on non-architectural topics in a brand new Notion page that I called “Learning”. A few weeks after creating this page I found myself adding more and more categories. It started with ‘People I admire’, and then ‘Finance’, all the way to ‘Philosophy’ and ‘Character development’. Soon, it became my favorite place to be at. It all became a mixture between reading, listening to a podcast or watching videos, and taking notes on my ‘Learning’ Page.

My actual Notion window.

There are a few things that I would like to do with my life, and this new idea seemed to work well with most, if not all of them. The first, and what I consider most important, is a multi-disciplinary studio. I’m not going to get into the details of that just yet but I think the name might explain it a little bit. A good start on developing a studio that covers various disciplines is to have a sense of what each of them does, studies, and wants to accomplish. The second is that I would like to publish a few books. This will also help as a way of practicing my writing, idea structuring, and an overall knowledge of subjects to write about. The third is that I want to open a coffee shop. I tend to filter the information I read on subjects that will help me out in the future. The dream of the coffee shop has sent me to study about business and marketing, amongst other things. These three dreams have set the foundation to who I became and I’m becoming.

The format of this whole thing will be undefined, changing. I won’t always write a blog entry or something similar to that. On the hope of exploring different sources and unlocking creativity muscles that I’ve let rest over the years, I will experiment with audio, pictures, video, and everything that I can get my hands on. Also, I will make most of the information an explanation of what I’m learning, and only a fraction will be my opinion about what I learned. There will also be links and references to every source that gets mentioned.

I remember a story, although I don’t remember the source, about a teacher and a student. The student would occasionally ask the teacher about a subject and the teacher would act as if he didn’t know what the student was talking about. This would force the student to explain to the teacher what he knew about this particular subject. After a couple of similar events, the student started to think that the teacher was stupid and ignorant. The student eventually graduated and went on to work at a company. After a few weeks of meetings and presentations, he noticed that he was significantly better at expressing his ideas and converting his abstract thoughts into solid sentences. It was until then that he realized what his teacher’s “stupidity” actually was. It was actually pure genius. By making his student explain every subject he helped dig in on the insecurities of every half-understood idea.

Let’s explain our ignorance away.

